Name Lars Osterloh
Affiliation independent author
Areas of Research Decision Theory, Ethical/Political Issues and Social Sciences, Game Theory and Sociality, Holism & Individualism, Institutionalism and Institutional Theory, Philosophy of Anthropology, Philosophy of Political Science, Social Cognition, Social Norms, Social Ontology, Theory of Formation (Bildung); Theory of recongition
Biographical Info I studied Philosophy German Literature and Cultural Anthropology in Marburg and finally in Leipzig (both Germany), finished my master (M. A.) with a study about Heideggers (and Sartres) concept of freedom. After a longtime study I was able to publish my hegelian-analytical PhD-Thesis "Die Bildung der Person" (The formation of the person) in 2015. Since then the theory of recogniton was my attempt to carve out one aspect more in detail.