Name Jakub Motrenko
Affiliation University of Warsaw
Areas of Research Paradigms and Research Traditions in Social Sciences, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Sociology, Sociology of Science, Value-Neutrality in the Social Sciences
Biographical Info I graduated at University of Warsaw both in sociology and philosophy. Currently, I am a PhD candidate at the Institute of Sociology. I am preparing a thesis titled "Anti-positivist Turn in Polish Sociology. The Analysis of the Field of Sociology in Relation to the Experience of the "Solidarity" Movement". The goals of the projects are: (1) To describe the anti-positivist turn in terms of sociology and philosophy of science. It was an epistemological change which took place in Polish sociology in the 70s and the 80s on the level of theory, methodology and research practice; (2) To demonstrate social and cognitive mechanisms of the turn and especially the role of the "Solidarity" movement; (3) to construct the conceptual apparatus which will allow transnational comparison of the positivist and anti-positivist traditions in national sociologies.