Name Nikolina Sretenova
Affiliation Institute for Society and Knowledge Studies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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Areas of Research Social Studies of Science, Philosophy and History of Science, Science Studies, Gender and Science, Gender and Education, Science Policy, Scientific mobility and brain drain issues
Biographical Info Ph.D. degree: Jan.1978 – Dec. 1980, Institute of Philosophy (unit “Philosophy of Science”)- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences MA degree: Graduated in Physics, University of Sofia “Kl. Ohridski”, Department of Physics Some research projects: “Social Constructivism and History of Science”;1) “Social Constructivism and Philosophy of Science”, ‘Mobility, scientific careers and ‘brain drain’ issue in the context of European enlargement’,‘Regulation of scientific knowledge: From epistêmê to technê’, ,"Women and Science in Bulgaria: A study on gender stereotypes",