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Event: SI: Responsible Economics: Models, Evidence, and Expertise

Event date June 13, 2025
Submission deadline June 13, 2025
Location Special Issue
Host(s) Journal of Economic Methodology
Event website/information For more info, please contact

Call for Papers: Responsible Economics: Models, Evidence, and Expertise
Special Issue of the Journal of Economic Methodology
Guest Editor:  Caterina Marchionni

Economics has significant influence on our societies, shaping worldviews and public policies both intentionally and unintentionally. With this influence comes profound responsibilities. But what exactly is the nature of these responsibilities? How should they be fulfilled, and how should they be distributed among the various actors who mediate the impact of economics on society? And most importantly, how do they constrain or interact with the epistemic duties of economists?

While epistemological questions surrounding economic models, evidence, and expertise are now well-established within the philosophy of economics, discussions of the moral and social responsibilities of economists in their various roles (modellers, consultants, advisors…) as well as the role of values and interests in economics have lagged behind, often fragmented across distinct areas of inquiry. This JEM special issue seeks to bridge this gap by bringing together diverse perspectives on the following themes, broadly understood:


  • Economics in society: its impact and its responsibilities
  • The role of responsibility in guiding economic behavior and policymaking
  • Ethical issues in science communication and economic advice
  • Responsible practices in economic modeling and policy-making
  • Responsible evidence-based economic policy
  • Responsible and trustworthy expertise
  • Normative analyses of performativity of economics science
  • Economics and harm: the harm caused by economics and the economics of harm
  • Epistemic (in)justice in economics and economic policymaking
  • Social justice and economics
  • Fairness in economics and economic policy


We encourage contributions that approach these topics from a variety of disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological perspectives.

Submission Deadline: June 13th, 2025To submit your paper please follow the instructions below.

For information please contact



Manuscripts are submitted via JEM’s submission site:

·       If you do not have an account, please create an account by clicking on “Create an Account” on the top menu.

·       If you already have an account, you can login by entering your credentials.

To submit your manuscript for the special issue, please follow these steps:

1.     Login to manuscript central:  

2.     On the top menu, click on “Author” to go to the Author Dashboard.

3.     You should be seeing the “Start a New Submission” menu. Click on “Begin a Submission” under Traditional Submission.

4.     On Step 1. Choose “Original Manuscripts” and enter the details of your manuscript.

5.     Complete Steps 1-6 by answering the questions on the screen. Please note that in Step 2 you will need to upload the manuscript file.

6.     This is an important step: “Step 5: Details and Comments”. When you arrive at Step 5, on the bottom of the page you’ll see the following question: “Is this manuscript a candidate for a Special Issue?” Please select “Yes” and choose the name of the special issue from the dropdown list. The name of the special issue is: “Responsible Economics”

7.     Complete the remaining steps to review and submit your manuscript.
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