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Event: Conference: Science and Democracy

Event date September 10, 2024 - September 11, 2024
Submission deadline May 17, 2024
Location Ireland 
Host(s) Newman House, University College Dublin 
Event website/information For more info, send an email to Silvia Ivani-

Call for Abstracts : Science and Democracy

September 10&11, 2024

Newman House, University College Dublin, Ireland 


Science has long been considered the cornerstone of modern knowledge and progress, yet its relationship with democracy remains complex and contested. As science increasingly influences governance and policy-making, questions arise about the compatibility of scientific expertise with democratic ideals. The aim of the Science and Democracy conference at University College Dublin, Ireland, is to explore and dissect this intricate relationship, inviting philosophers as well as scholars working at the intersection between philosophy and other disciplines.


Professor Heather Douglas (Michigan State University) and Professor Stephan Lewandowsky (University of Bristol) will deliver the keynote addresses of the conference.


We invite contributions that address the following themes within the broader context of science and democracy:

  1. The causal relationship between democracy and science, including the impact of democratic institutions on scientific activity and, conversely, the negative and positive impact of science on democratic governance.
  2. The role of science in best-practice democracies, including how scientific knowledge informs decision-making processes in well-functioning democracies.
  3. The role of values in science and science advice, including the interplay between social, political, and epistemic values in scientific practice and policy advice, as well as strategies for democratizing expertise while navigating challenges such as value-ladenness, epistemic drift, and politicisation.
  4. Scientific disagreement and uncertainty, including how scientific communities do and should handle disagreements and uncertainties in research and policy contexts, the implications of scientific consensus and explore alternative models for decision-making under uncertainty.
  5. Science and democracy in times of crises, including the dynamics of the science-democracy relationship during crises such as the climate crisis and pandemics, as well as the role of scientific expertise in crisis management and governance, considering the trade-offs between democratic accountability and expert authority.
  6. Science and public engagement, including  the question of public trust in science and how public engagement practices may contribute to the democratization of scientific research and technological innovation.


Submission Guidelines:

An abstract of no more than 300 words, for 30 minute presentations + 10 minutes Q&A, should be sent as email attachments to using the subject heading “Science and Democracy”, by May 17, 2024.

Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: May 17, 2024.
  • Notification of Acceptance: June 15, 2024.
  • Conference Dates and Venue: September 10&11, 2024, Newman House, Museum of Modern Literature, Dublin 2.


Contact Information: For inquiries and submission details, please contact  Dr Silvia Ivani,

This conference is jointly hosted by the Science and Democracy (SciDem) research project, funded by the UiO:Democracy research initiative at the University of Oslo and the PERITIA Network of Research on Trust and Expertise,  coordinated from UCD.

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