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Event: Workshop: Democratisation of science: epistemological issues and new perspectives

Event date May 28, 2018 - May 30, 2018
Submission deadline March 30, 2018
Location France
Host(s) Université de Lyon
Event website/information

Democratisation of science: epistemological issues and new perspectives

International workshop, Université de Lyon, France

May 28-30, 2018

Description. The two-and-half-day international workshop is the closing event of the DEMOCRASCI project, which deals with the epistemological foundations and principles for the democratisation of the governance of science. Who should decide, and how, on the big priorities of scientific research in our democratic societies? Should citizen be directly involved in the decision processes, should they defer to their elected representatives and their governments, or should they defer to scientific experts? The project, at the interface between philosophy of science, political sciences and sociology of science explores views on the nature and role of science in our society underlying these various options. It aims at mapping out principles of a more democratic governance of science and at exploring its possible practical forms.      See for more details

Possible topics include but are by no means limited to: arguments underlying advocacy of the autonomy of science; soundness of the demarcation between basic and applied research; scientific knowledge as a common good and public-interest driven research; public participation in science;  socially responsible science; practical forms of democratic governance of science; role of scientific experts in the governance of science, etc.

Invited speakers

–               Sara Aguiton (CNRS/Centre Alexandre Koyré)

–               Cécile Blatrix (AgroParisTech)

–               Mark B. Brown (California State University)

–               Jaana Eigi (Tartu University)

–               David Guston (to be confirmed, Arizona State University)

–               Séverine Louvel (SciencePo Grenoble)

–               Roger Pielke (University of Colorado Boulder)

–               Hans Radder (VU University Amsterdam)

–               Julian Reiss (Durham University)

–               Torsten Wilholt (Leibniz Universität Hannover)

Organizers: Stéphanie Ruphy (Université de Lyon) et Baptiste Bedessem (Université Grenoble Alpes)

Submissions: Please send an abstract (no more than 500 words) of the talk with you name and affiliation and a list of keywords to and Deadline for submissions: 30 March 2018. Notification of acceptance will be send within ten days. Participants who do not give a talk are also welcome and are asked to register in advance. There is no registration fee.

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