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List of Members (in alphabetical order)

Name Research Areas
Asha Amirali
AndrĂ¡s Szigeti Collective Agency, Collective Responsibility, Moral Responsibility
Andreas Christiansen Collective Responsibility, Decision Theory, Ethical/Political Issues and Social Sciences, Group Mind, Philosophy of Economics, Social Choice Theory, Social Ontology
N. Emrah Aydinonat
Azucena Cruz-Pierre Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, Ethical/Political Issues and Social Sciences, Philosophy of Geography and Spatial Analysis in Social Sciences, Philosophy of Political Science, Philosophy of Sociology, Social Norms, Social Ontology
Ben Geiger
Faouzi Bendridi Analytical Sociology, violence, peace education
Benedikt Fait
Brendan Hogan Collective Agency, Ethical/Political Issues and Social Sciences, Hermeneutics and Phenomenology, Paradigms and Research Traditions in Social Sciences, Philosophy of Action, Philosophy of Political Science, Social Norms, Value-Neutrality in the Social Sciences, Critical theory and social science, pragmatism