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List of Members (in alphabetical order)

Name Research Areas
Joonatan Nõgisto Philosophy of Political Science, Social Ontology, Causation in the Social Sciences, Social Mechanisms, Constitutive explanation in social science
Jordi Tena-Sánchez
José A. Noguera Analytical Sociology, Ethical/Political Issues and Social Sciences, Experiments in Social Sciences, Game Theory and Sociality, Holism & Individualism, Paradigms and Research Traditions in Social Sciences, Models and Social Sciences, Philosophy of Sociology, Rational Choice Theory, Social Mechanisms, Social Norms, Social Ontology, Social Simulation
Juho Pääkkönen
Julia Wdowin
Yulie Foka-Kavalieraki Rational Choice Theory, Cognitive Sciences and Neurosciences
Julie Zahle
Julius Elster Realism and Anti-Realism, Social Ontology, Philosophy of Sociology, Qualitative Methods in Social Science, Social Epistemology and Cognitive Sociology, Social Mechanisms, Youth Sociology; Theories of Reflexivity; Youth-identity Formation
Jack Wright